Deskgram app creator
Deskgram app creator

deskgram app creator

It allows you to upload 50 photos at a time and search for files from your device or google drive.

  • Once that is done, you can now start creating posts, which you can see on the left menubar menu.
  • After you choose a specific social media account, it sends an email and asks for your login information on the social network for verification.
  • It also allows you to connect with Twitter, Linkedin, or any other social media site.

    deskgram app creator

    Also, choose the number of Instagram accounts you will be using and your payment plan before proceeding on.To test the online tool, it gives you a 14day trial period to test the usefulness of the tool.

    deskgram app creator

    Create an account using valid details that will allow you to login into the Dashboard.It also features a social media calendar, Instagram Grid Planner, and unlimited teammates You can also create a team and collaborate. Through planning and analytics, you can drag and drop posts, create drafts, and approve content. You can even set the individual time zones for each of your social media accounts or use different social media sites, set favorite post times, and schedule for multiple accounts. It helps you plan content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. On top of that, it also automatically removes any duplicate content and subtitle spam. It has more than 10,000 brands who use it to post. This is one of the best scheduling tools that allow you to send updates directly from your desktop to Instagram. Price: 14 days free trial or $19 per month.The Best Scheduling Tools to Use for Instagram 1.


  • How to Use the Browser to Change the User Agent.
  • The Best Scheduling Tools to Use for Instagram.

  • Deskgram app creator